When you don’t present clear results of your work, it’s harder for clients to pull the trigger and hire you because they can’t see exactly how you help them succeed.
So they hire someone else.
Clients Don’t Buy Unless They See Results
Testimonials are great to show potential clients that they can trust you. But they’re not enough. To hire you, they need to see results.
Otherwise, your audience is left questioning if you have real business experience. Wondering whether you can truly provide real-life results.
Or worse, they forget about you and move on.
A Case Study Shows Your Clients How They Win when They Hire You
A solid case study is a powerful way to share how your offer has helped others with the problem your reader is going through.
Case studies have been trending lately because they help you present your results in a way that makes it easy for people to absorb.
Case studies are here to stay: especially in areas like digital marketing, with constant shifts and easy to track results, building a solid repertoire of case studies helps you show potential clients how your offer helps them succeed in a concise, result-driven format.
Build a Winning Case Study to Show Real Life Results
1. Start With A Clear Title
Many people get fancy in their title to the point where readers don’t know what the piece is about.
But the moment you start rambling is the moment your customer checks out.
Make a clear title that states what the character wanted and how they got it.
Let’s see how a good title looks:
How we took Client’s cost per lead from $100 to $10 in 10 days.
This helps your reader instantly connect you with their problem and identify you as a solution. And when this clicks in their brain, they buy.
2. Describe The Problem You Helped Your Customer Solve
When someone comes to your website, they’re looking to see if you can help them solve their problem. So, in a case study, you need to dive deep into the problem you solved for your customer. That way your prospect can see what you can do.
Here’s an example:
Client is a B2B service company specializing in design subscription services. They didn’t have very many leads coming in each month. And, for those that did come through, the cost per lead was far too high.
3. Show How You Solved The Problem (& Include Results!)
Don’t overthink this! Keep it simple. If your story goes so far into the weeds that people get confused, they’ll leave. Confused people don’t buy.
Simply share you how solved the problem your customer had.
Here’s what that could look like:
How we did it: We implemented an outbound lead generation system at a fixed cost per meeting, bringing in 10-12 sales calls per month at a consistent cost of $499 per meeting.
Results: This helped them scale their company while maintaining a consistent ROI.
4. Keep It Clear!
The most important thing to keep in mind is that marketing is all about clarity: Stick to the information you need in each section and don’t add fluff.
This way, your story is cohesive and to the point so your reader has no problem sticking through it.
It’s okay to go longer than we did here. This is just an example. Depending on what you sell, it might make sense to have a 2-3 page document. However… who is going to read a 2-3 page case study? Not many people.
In our experience, writers go longer when they’re feeling uncertain. Long content is not always better. If you can keep your case study clear and short, do it!
Share Your Results And Get People Excited To Work With You
Whether you have multiple offers, different tiers of service, or even too different clients, it’s hard to document everything in a way that allows you to categorize work effectively.
Start documenting your clients’ progress in case studies and build a solid list to show potential customers how you help them thrive.
Don’t get sucked down a rabbit hole every time someone asks you, “So, how did you help them?”
Note: For more great marketing tips on everything from getting customer testimonials to the best marketing tools, check out the ClearBrand Academy Podcast and Blog.