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How To Create A High-Converting Landing Page

Originally posted on November 8, 2022
Last updated on December 5, 2024
Written by Alexander Toth

The whole point of having a website is to make more sales and grow your company. So what’s the key to building a website that works? It turns out, there’s more than just one.

Webpages that drive sales have to do an excellent job of persuading potential clients to choose your company over the competition. When we look at various marketing frameworks, we see that they do this in different ways. Some frameworks focus on building emotional connections to connect with customers, while others focus on facts and data.

Different marketing frameworks do different things well, but they ALL share certain characteristics that make them effective. Today, we provide a breakdown of the shared characteristics that make every high-converting landing page so effective. Our team uses this formula to create high-converting landing pages that generate more leads and sales for all of our clients. By the end of this post, you’ll know exactly what it takes to build an effective landing page like a pro!

1) High-Converting Landing Pages Clearly Describe What Your Company Does

The first step is to make sure your website is clear about what you do. When a customer visits your website, what are they going to get if they continue reading?

The goal here isn’t to be clever or witty. Be as clear as possible. A fourth-grader should be able to look at your homepage and immediately understand what your company has to offer.

If you’re not sure whether or not your website passes the clarity test, try showing it to someone who knows nothing about your business. If they can’t understand what you do within a few seconds, then your website needs work.

To make your website clear, focus on using simple language and high-quality visuals. Steer clear of industry jargon, and avoid using too many words. The goal is to get your point across as quickly and efficiently as possible. The customer needs to know what you do and why it matters to them.

2) Every High-Converting Landing Page Has A Clear Call-To-Action

Your call-to-action (or CTA) is what tells the customer what to do next. It should be short, sweet, and to the point. For example, a CTA might say “Get Access,” “Schedule A Call,” or simply “Book Now.”

Your CTA should be relevant to the page it’s on. If you’re selling a product, your CTA should be to buy that product. If you’re providing a service, your CTA should provide a clear path to sign up for that service.

Make sure your CTA is visible and easy to find. People won’t waste time figuring out how to work with you.

You need a clear call to action upfront, but you also need to spread it throughout your site. If leads are confused about how they can give you their money, they simply won’t convert to customers.

The best way to do this is either with a sticky navigation bar (that sticks to the header as the user scrolls down) with your CTA or repeated CTA buttons throughout the page.

3) High-Converting Landing Pages Don’t Shy Away From The Problem

Many companies are afraid to talk about the problem their product or service solves. They think it will make them look bad or that potential customers will be put off by it.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

People buy things because they have a problem that needs solving. Companies who empathize with the customer’s journey are more likely to get conversions.

If you’re not sure how to talk about the problem, try using customer testimonials as a starting point. Reviews that mention why the customer came to you in the first place can also give you insight into the problems your customers experience.

In short, don’t shy away from the problem your company solves. If you can use it to develop a story that connects with your customer’s journey, you can convince them that your company provides the best solution.

4) High-Converting Landing Pages Demonstrate Why Customers Can Trust You

Customers need to know that you’re a company they can rely on. They need to feel confident that you’ll be there for them when they need you. That’s why companies have to be extremely selective when talking about themselves on their landing pages.

In the “guide” section of your landing page, include information that shows why your customers can trust you. The goal of this section is to build rapport within the context of the problem your customer is facing.

Don’t make the mistake of mentioning things that don’t matter, like when your company was founded, or who owns it. Those aren’t factors that show your expertise or capability. Instead, talk about factors like experience in specific industries or how many customers your company has helped.

5) High-Converting Landing Pages Provide Clear Solutions Broken Into Steps

Instead of a guide section, some landing pages include a solution section. This section talks about your product and how it solves the customer’s problem.

The path to success should be clear to your customers, so we break our solution down into a “three-step plan.”

The specifics of the plan vary from company to company, but they should always be broken into three simple steps. Step one might be something like “contact us.” Step two could be “get a personalized plan,” and step three could be “enjoy your new _____.”

Your three-step plan should be clear, direct, and related to the product or service your company provides.

While it’s sometimes tempting, don’t include more than three steps. If you do, you risk losing your customer’s interest. Offering a clear solution upfront with only three steps keeps customers attentive, saves them time, and increases the likelihood that they’ll convert.

6) A High-Converting Landing Page Lists Customer Benefits In The “Offer” Section

When leads consider whether or not to purchase, they ask themselves a big question: “What am I really getting if I go through with this?” The offer section gives them the answer they’re looking for.

Here, you should provide a list of benefits that your customer receives when they work with your company. Do they get access to a community? Do they get mobile access? If it’s a physical product, what’s included?

The point of this section is to tell your customer what they receive in return for their money. Basically, “what’s in the box.”

When considering what to list, both tangible benefits and abstract benefits are fair game. Talk about how their lives improve with your product. How much time will they save? How much stress will they avoid? How much will they benefit from using your product or service? Use questions like these to guide you as you consider the correct content for the offer section of your own website.

Boost Conversions With A Custom Website From ClearBrand

As you design your website and begin writing copy, the main thing to remember is that all content should be as client-focused as possible. Including all six of the elements mentioned above is the best way to gain leads and drive conversions when building landing pages for your company’s products or services. Just be sure to keep them in the same order listed above!

Now you have the basic recipe that ClearBrand uses to build websites that sell. But even with a proven formula like the one we’ve just provided, building high-quality, high-converting landing pages isn’t always as straightforward as it seems. If you’re having trouble with your web content and design, contact us today to speak with a Marketing Specialist about how we can help you gain the leads and conversions you’re looking for.


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