How to Pitch Your Business With One Line (4 Easy Steps)

When someone asks what you do, can you tell them in 30 seconds or less?

If not, you may be losing business opportunities because you aren’t using the right words to communicate to others what your business does.

Learning how to deliver an elevator pitch about your business in a single line can help you sell your products and services with confidence. If you need a simple way to describe your business, you’ve come to the right place!

Today you’ll learn about 4 simple steps you can use to create a fast, effective pitch for your business. This should help you tell others about what you do and what products or services you provide in just a few seconds. Which will make you a more efficient, confident sales person (and a great human lead magnet) for your business.

Step 1: Stay Down To Earth

When it comes to messaging, the hardest part for most people is aligning what you do with what you say. You might think, “How am I supposed to leave some things out on my website or emails? And especially in my business pitch! This is so hard.”

But you’re not going to talk about everything in every place. That would overwhelm your listener, and it would probably bore them, too.

Your one-liner is not where you cram as much information as possible. It should sound like the language that you use when you’re out and about and somebody says, “hey, what do you do?”

This is what I mean when I say we want to stay down to earth. We’re not going to use any words that a listener would need to look up a dictionary to understand. Remember, you’re not trying to convince them to work with you yet. Right now, your goal is to pique their interest.

Your pitch is what’s going to hook them and get them interested.

Step 2: Make The First Sentence The Problem

The first sentence of your one-liner should clearly state the problem you’re helping people solve. It should not be the solution you provide.

The reason why is simple: a solution doesn’t actually matter unless there’s a problem. A solution needs context. That’s what the problem is.

There’s a second benefit to starting with the problem: it’s the interesting stuff that actually engages people.

If you’re talking to someone who is experiencing the problem you address right now, it’s going to pique their interest and get them to ask you for more information.

That’s why it’s so important to be really clear about the problem you’re solving. You should reduce your problem to the simplest terms possible.

Let me give you an example. We worked with a client called Little Love Jar. They send jars full of notes from people who you love as gifts. What is the problem that they solve with their product?

It’s that most gifts people give just aren’t memorable. They get thrown out within a year, or they get forgotten.

If someone were to say that to you, you would probably start thinking about a gift that you threw out, or about a gift that you gave that you knew the person was going to throw out.

The reason you’re going to think about these things is because the problem that I just shared has now piqued your interest. And you are now ready to hear a solution.

For your own business, think about the problem that you solve for your customers. Look at your messaging, and boil the problem down to the simplest, most basic version of itself.

Then go back to step one. Imagine somebody asking you what you do. Would you feel comfortable explaining the problem in those simple terms?

If it’s not, make it simpler.

Step 3: Solve The Problem With Your Product Or Service

Your pitch isn’t going to be successful unless you talk about your product. What is it that you offer now that to solve the problem you put into simple terms in the previous step? Now that you have a problem, you’ve set the context for your solution. Now it’s time to provide it.

Let’s look back at Little Love Jar for a moment to see this in action.

The problem is that most gifts aren’t meaningful. So they get thrown out or forgotten within a year. What’s the solution to this problem?

For Little Love Jar, the solution isn’t that they collect notes from you and your friends, and put them in a jar to give to your loved one as a gift. That’s a description of the product.

But alone, it isn’t a solution.

To turn it from a description into a solution, we might add that is a gift your loved ones will remember forever. A line like this ties the products that you sell into the solution they’re providing for the problem your customers are experiencing.

Step 4: Show The Results Your Customer Wants

In the case of Little Love Jar, the solution conveys the results: that your gift will be remembered forever. That’s a happy ending.

Put yourself into the customer’s shoes. Do you want to be the person who gave a gift that gets talked about for years? Or do you want to be the person who gifted something so forgettable, it was thrown out in a year?

Obviously, most people want to give a memorable gift.

Think about your story and your business. What kind of success are your customers looking for? How is your product helping them get there?

Whatever your answers may be, make sure the results align with them.

Refine Your Pitch And Put It To Use

Once you’ve written your pitch, go back to step one and refine it.

To do this, imagine yourself in a coffee shop. If somebody says, “Hey, what do you do?” Would you be comfortable saying your pitch out loud?

If the answer is no, go back and re-write it to make it simpler and more direct. Make it something that would just flow off your tongue if you were to say it in the wild.

Once you’ve refined your pitch to something you’d be comfortable using in casual conversation, you have an incredible elevator pitch you can use to grow your business.

If you’ve followed all of these steps and still haven’t find the right words to pitch your business, ClearBrand can help. We build websites that use the power of narrative to connect with customers. Schedule a call today to learn more about creating a website that sells.

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